About Us

Delta Phi Gamma exists to promote the growth of young ladies by balancing, strengthening, and challenging the mind, body, and soul. This is achieved by providing a real and true sisterhood where we do not claim to be perfect but strive to accentuate our sisterhood based on our diversities. We do not rely on strength in numbers but on the quality of sisters in the organization. Our sisterhood is beyond the physical letters that represent us because we are not just true to ourselves, but to those around us as well. Delta Phi Gamma strives to set itself apart by being an organization that shows unconditional sisterhood, helping to provide a support system for ladies during college and beyond. This sisterhood is a family of strong women who have found meaningful relationships with one another and have taken this strength to help those around them by reaching out to the community.
Our HistoryFive young ladies congregated in the Spring of 1998 with the goal of establishing a sisterhood that encircled one main virtue: BALANCE. Finally, after months and months of collaboration and long night meetings, the Constitution was born and the Creed found its way into the heart of the newly formed sisterhood of Delta Phi Gamma. Needless to say, many obstacles had to be overcome to finalize the establishment of this organization. Fellow friends as well as other organizations during the time refused to recognize nor support the newly found sisterhood. Many words were spoken and many actions were taken deliberately to diminish the credibility and dignity of the organization as well as the "fore-mothers" that stood behind it. Despite the negativity inflicted on the organization, the Founding Mothers continued to stand strong with great faith that "good" will triumph over "evil," just as long as their intentions remained good.
What exactly were their intentions? The Founding Mothers wanted to educate young women about maintaining their mental, physical, and emotional health. In doing so, they stressed the importance of balancing, challenging, and strengthening the Mind, Body, and Soul of each individual. In addition, they wanted to build a strong sisterhood that will provide a solid foundation for these young ladies, during their journey to achieving that ultimate goal set by the organization. |
20 years and counting...On July 29, 2018, sisters of all ages gathered from across the country to celebrate two full decades of memories. This 20th year anniversary was an incredibly special night, where all of the five Founding Mothers reunited and saw how their impact has touched the lives of so many. Their dedication from years ago is the foundation for the sisterhood to stand strong and continue to grow. For each sister, Delta Phi Gamma means more than just a organization, it is a family that shares the same passion. These values and lessons gained are also what allow them achieve success in their personal lives.